Emma Wedgwood

Fraxel Laser

Fraxel laser is a popular treatment option for various skin conditions, including pigmentation issues, fine lines, and uneven skin texture. This non-invasive procedure uses fractional laser technology to target specific areas of the skin, stimulating collagen production and promoting skin rejuvenation. Learn more about the benefits and potential risks of Fraxel laser treatment here.

Fraxel® Laser

Treat skin pigmentation, fine lines and improve skin texture as well as other conditions with Fraxel® is an industry leading laser treatment which provides highly effective skin resurfacing. Fraxel® features two lasers on different wavelengths, one which treats the skin superficially for pigmentation and general tone, and the other for deep resurfacing which targets wrinkles and acne scarring.

The laser effectively drills tiny columns into the skin, which stimulates the growth of new healthy cells, by accelerating the natural healing process of the body.

What problems can Fraxel® treat?

What happens during Fraxel® laser treatment?

During an initial consultation with Emma, she will discuss a treatment plan with you, and decide on the best course of action for your skin condition.

The skin is then prepared with a topical anaesthetic, and you will be provided with eye protection to wear for the duration of the treatment.

The laser is then applied in short bursts.

After the treatment, the skin will gradually peel away over several days. Once the peeling is complete, healthy skin underneath will be revealed.

After Fraxel® treatment you should care for your skin, Emma will provide extensive aftercare advice to maximise the benefits from your treatment.

Frequently asked questions

When carried out by a qualified practitioner like Emma, and with the correct aftercare, Fraxel® laser treatment is very safe.

Am I suitable for Fraxel®?

Fraxel® is suitable for most people, except those with skin types 4-6, or those more prone to keloid scarring. Emma will assess your skin for its suitability for Fraxel®.

Am I suitable for Fraxel®?

Fraxel® is suitable for most people, except those with skin types 4-6, or those more prone to keloid scarring. Emma will assess your skin for its suitability for Fraxel®.

Does Fraxel® hurt?

Due to the depth of the laser, it can be uncomfortable. But the area will be treated with a topical anaesthetic before the treatment to minimise discomfort.

At a glance

Up to a week for peeling to stop, but clients can return to work after treatment, as long as they avoid the sun or sweating.

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