Emma Wedgwood

What is Halo/BBL Laser Treatment?

Dec. 17, 2021

Halo BBL laser treatment is an advanced skin treatment which can improve skin conditions such as pigmentation, sun damage and redness as well as rejuvenate skin by enhancing skin texture. In this post, I’ll explain more about Halo BBL and how it works, as well as the conditions it can treat.

What is Halo/BBL Laser Treatment?

Halo BBL laser treatment is an advanced skin treatment which can improve skin conditions such as pigmentation, sun damage and redness as well as rejuvenate skin by enhancing skin texture. In this post, I’ll explain more about Halo BBL and how it works, as well as the conditions it can treat.

How does Halo/BBL laser treatment work?

Halo is the world’s first hybrid fractional laser (HFL) which delivers both ablative (top layer of skin) and non-ablative (underlying skin tissue) wavelengths to improve the appearance of the skin.

BBL stands for Broad Band Light treatment, also known as a photo facial or IPL, which stimulates the body’s production of collagen and tightens skin.

Combining these two gold-standard treatments and targeting both the top dermal tissue as well as the subdermal layers with the body’s natural collagen response maximises the effects of both for longer lasting results.

What problems can Halo/BBL Treat?

Halo BBL is the perfect treatment for sun damage, solar lentigo and pigmentation. It has also proven effective in reducing redness and rosacea. These conditions can be really distressing, and in the past, treatments have been quite invasive. Halo BBL is a much kinder approach.

Halo BBL is also a fantastic skin rejuvenation treatment, which can reduce fine lines and pores, and bring back natural glow.

By targeting the dermal layer of the skin and destroying areas of pigmentation, while encouraging the body’s natural collagen and elastin response, the result is enhanced skin which is refreshed and renewed, and with little downtime.

What happens during Halo/BBL Treatment?

After assessing your skin for suitability and devising an individual treatment plan that suits your condition and desired results, your practitioner will cleanse your skin to make sure that the laser can penetrate the area and explain what to expect from the treatment. Topical anaesthetic will be applied to ensure procedure is more comfortable. You will be provided with eye protection where necessary, and each laser will be applied to the chosen area. Halo treatment is usually carried out first, with BBL following at a later date.

Who is suitable for Halo/BBL Treatment?

Halo BBL is most suitable for anyone who wants to rejuvenate their skin and reduce fine lines, pores, and wrinkles, as well as those with specific pigmentation and texture concerns such as rosacea or solar lentigo. Halo/BBL is safe for all skin types and can be used alongside other treatments such as injectables and skin peels.

What are the side effects of Halo/BBL Treatment and what is the downtime?

As Halo/BBL is a tailored treatment, and side effects are entirely dependent on the initial condition, and the treatment received. Your practitioner will prepare you for any side effects you can expect. But in general, skin will be red immediately after treatment and may continue to be darker for the following days as any pigment lifts out. You might also experience swelling lasting up to 5 days as the treated areas begin to flake away and peel in the following week.

We recommend that you don’t wear makeup or exercise for at least 48 hours after treatment and give the sauna and steam room a miss for 72 hours.

What areas can be treated by Halo/BBL?

Face (including forehead, cheeks, and jowls), neck and decolletage, body (stretch marks and scars) and hands (age spots).

How quickly will I see results from Halo/BBL?

Again, due to the custom nature of this treatment, the results will entirely depend on the treatment path chosen by you and your practitioner. Faster results might be seen by shorter, more aggressive treatments, with full effects seen over time.

As it is a combined treatment, the initial results will be noticed from the Halo laser, with immediate changes seen in the skin. The full effect of the BBL Halo, which triggers the body’s natural collagen response, might take several weeks to be seen.

Talk to Emma today about how BBL Halo can help you with the renewed confidence that comes from Halo BBL skin rejuvenation.

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