Emma Wedgwood

Everybody’s excited about PRP treatment

May 12, 2023

I’m always excited when a new treatment becomes available, but there was one that I had been anticipating particularly eagerly, and it’s called PRP treatment. I’ve now been offering PRP for several months so I thought it would be a good idea to write a blog about it to let you know more.

This article will explain what PRP is, how it can be used and what to expect from this revolutionary treatment. Let’s dive in!

What is PRP?

Platelet Rich Plasma treatment (PRP) is a treatment that uses the body’s natural healing capabilities to improve skin texture and tone and address particular skin conditions. It can also be used to treat thinning hair or baldness, by stimulating the growth of new hair.

Originally developed to support wound healing in trauma and joint injury, this scientifically proven treatment is a safe and effective way to harness the power of your own body.

How does PRP work?

PRP involves taking a small amount of the patient’s blood which is then placed in a centrifuge. Treating the blood this way extracts the blood plasma, which is rich in platelets, the blood cells which bind together when they recognise damaged cells. The plasma is then reintroduced to the affected area, where the proteins and growth factors get to work quickly, encouraging cell regeneration and rejuvenation to the skin and hair.

The plasma might be directly injected into the affected area(s) or reintroduced via a microneedling system, which involves puncturing the skin with a cluster of tiny needles thus enabling the absorption of the plasma into the dermal layer.

What can PRP treat?

PRP is a powerful specialist treatment that harnesses the body’s own cell renewal processes, and it can be used to treat several conditions on the skin, hair, and body.

PRP can improve skin elasticity and help promote a more plumped and youthful look, as well as addressing dark under eye circles, fine lines, and wrinkles.

Because PRP helps trigger a healing response, it can also be a really useful tool in treating acne scarring, by encouraging the growth of new cells. And of course, it can be used for overall skin rejuvenation to treat dull or lifeless complexions.

And it’s not just applicable to the face either. PRP can also be applied to the hands, and other areas of the body including the decolletage to treat crepey skin and pigmentation.

PRP for hair growth

PRP is also an exciting new treatment for hair loss and thinning hair. When injected into the affected area, the plasma stimulates healthy hair growth. It can be used on both men and women who are suffering from thinning hair, menopausal hair loss, male pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia.

Is PRP safe?

PRP is a safe and effective treatment which has been extensively tested in the medical field. Because it uses your own plasma, you aren’t introducing anything artificial to the body. The only potential risks are that of local infection, but when the treatment is carried out by a trained professional, the risk of infection is believed to be less than 1%.

Does PRP hurt?

PRP treatment is not usually painful, although you might experience some localised soreness or tenderness at the site of the injection or microneedling. It also depends on where you are having PRP, more sensitive areas such as the decolletage might be more painful. A medical professional will apply a local anaesthetic where necessary.

How many PRP treatments will I need?

For the best results on both skin and hair I recommend a course of a minimum of three treatments.

How quickly will I see results and how long will they last?

You will usually see results of a course of PRP treatment within 1-2 months, with results lasting for up to two years.

For hair treatments, you will see the full results after 6-12 months, and should last for up to two years.

For both skin and hair, I recommend regular top up treatments every 6-12 months to maintain the results.

PRP is a fantastic treatment and I’ve already seen some impressive results on my patients, in my own clinic and at the Jo Hansford salon (who I collaborate with and you can find me there every Tuesday). If you’d like to find out more about how PRP could help you, do get in touch!

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